all my congratulationstous mes félicitations
by the wayà propos
i wish you all the besttous mes voeux de bonheur
my deepest sympathymes sincères condoléances
orphan (f)une orpheline
orphan (m)un orphelin
to adoptadopter
to apply for a jobposer sa candidature
to apply for a loanfaire un emprunt
to be bornnaître
to be engagedêtre fiancé
to diemourir
to divorcedivorcer
to fall illtomber malade
to find worktrouver du travail
to get engagedse fiancer
to get marriedse marier
to movedéménager
to move ins'installer
to rentlouer
to retireprendre sa retraite
twins (f)des jumelles
twins (m)des jumeaux
widowune veuve
widowerun veuf
you knowvous savez
twins (m)des jumeaux
widowune veuve
widowerun veuf
you knowvous savez