a coldun rhume
a dentist (m)un dentiste
a feverune fièvre
a medicationun médicament
a nurse (f)une infirmière
a patient (m)un patient
a pharmacist (m)un pharmacien
a pillune pilule
a prescriptionune ordonnance
a shotune piqûre
a symptomun symptôme
allergyune allergie
an injuryune blessure
aspirinune aspirine
emergency roomla salle des urgences
healthy (m)sain
painune douleur
the emergency roomles urgences
the flula grippe
the pharmacyla pharmacie
to avoidéviter de
to be betterse porter mieux
to be illse porter mal
to be in bad healthêtre en mauvaise santé
to be in good healthêtre en bonne santé
to be in good shapeêtre en bonne forme
to be sickêtre malade
to break one's legse casser la jambe
to coughtousser
to exercisefaire de l'exercice
to feelse sentir
to feel nauseousavoir mal au coeur
to get betterguérir
to get sicktomber malade
to have a backacheavoir mal au dos
to have a headacheavoir mal à la tête
to have a stomachacheavoir mal au ventre
to have an acheavoir mal
to hurtfaire mal à
to hurt oneselfse blesser
to sneezeéternuer
to stay slimgarder la ligne
to swellenfler
to twist one's anklese fouler la cheville