Camembert cheesele camembert
a long, thin loaf of breadune baguette
an eggun oeuf
an onionun oignon
beefle boeuf
breadle pain
butterle beurre
cakeun gâteau
carrotune carotte
chickenle poulet
crabun crabe
croissantun croissant
fish soupune bouillabaisse
fruitun fruit
green beansdes haricots verts
mealun repas
milkle lait
mushroomun champignon
mustardla moutarde
onionun oignon
peasdes petits pois
piela tarte
porkle porc
potatoune pomme de terre
pâté (meat spread)le pâté
salamile saucisson
shrimpune crevette
soupla soupe
strawberry piela tarte aux fraises
these, thoseces
this, that (feminine)cette
this, that (masc, consonant)ce
this, that (masculine, before a vowel sound)cet
to be able topouvoir
to wantvouloir
tomatoune tomate
tonight, this eveningce soir
vegetableun légume
yogurtle yaourt