the cake pana bandeja de bolo
the can openero abridor de latas
the carving knifea faca de trinchar
the casserole disho caçarola
the colandero coador
the cookie sheeta assadeira
the double boilerbanho-maria
the eggbeatero eggbeater
the frying pana frigideira
the garlic presso espremedor de alho
the gratero ralador
the kitchen timero temporizador de cozinha
the ladlea concha
the lida tampa
the mixing bowlda tigela
the pairing knifea faca de emparelhamento
the pie pana panela torta
the poto pote
the pot holdersos agarraderas
the roasting pana assadeira
the roasting racko rack torrefação
the rolling pino rolo
the saucepana panela
the spatulaa espátula
the steamero vapor
the strainero filtro
the tongsas pinças
the vegetable peelero descascador de legumes
the whisko whisk