Are you looking for (adult)Suchen Sie?
Are you looking for? (student)Suchst du?
Do you also have that in red?Haben Sie das auch in Rot?
Do you need? (adult)Brauchen Sie?
He needser braucht
I am looking for/ I seek / I'm searching forich suche
I needich brauche
I would likeich möchte
May I help you? / (Have you a wish?)Haben Sie einen Wunsch?
She would likesie möchte
What would you like?(What get you?)Was bekommen Sie?
Yes? Can I help you?Bitte?
a pair of pants in brown, pleaseeine Hose in Braun, bitte
a shirt in yellowein Hemd in Gelb
a skirt in black, pleaseeinen Rock in Schwarz, bitte
a sweater (lightweight) in gray, pleaseeinen Pulli in Grau, bitte
a, an (direct object, masc.)einen
clothesdie Klamotten
colordie Farbe
in greenin Grün
she is looking for/seekingsie sucht
the (direct object, masc.)den
they are looking for/seekingsie suchen
they needsie brauchen
we are looking for/seekingwir suchen
we needwir brauchen
you all are looking for/seekingihr sucht
you all needihr braucht
you needdu brauchst
we are looking for/seekingwir suchen
we needwir brauchen
you all are looking for/seekingihr sucht
you all needihr braucht
you needdu brauchst