I only have...Ich hab leider nur...
I'll drink...instead.Dann trink ich halt....
I'm sorry...Ich bedaure...
In that case I'll take...Dann nehm ich eben...
It's okay.Schon gut!
That's all right!Das macht nichts!
That's not so bad.Nicht so schlimm!
That's too bad!Was für ein Pech!
What's that supposed to mean?Was soll denn das sein?
You eat a lot of meat, right?Du isst wohl viel Fleisch, ja?
You eat vegetarian, right?Du isst wohl vegetarisch, was?
You like Quark, don't you?Du magst doch Quark, nicht wahr?
You like yougurt, don't you?Du magst Joghurt, oder?
not entirely, not necessarilyNicht unbedingt!
the chocolate milkder Kakao
the milkdie Milch
the peardie Birne
the vanilla flavored milkdie Vanillemilch
the yogurtder Joghurt
to be sorry aboutbedauern