Listen to this!Hör mal zu!
Listen!Hör mal!
Look!Schau mal!/Guck mal!/Sieh mal!
Okay, what is it?Ja? Was denn?
What do you have in your sandwich?Was hast du denn auf dem Brot?
Yes, what?Ja, was bitte?
a soft cheese similar to ricotta or cream cheeseder Quark
the Tilsiter cheesedie Tilsiter Käse
the bean sproutsdie Sojasprossen
the camembert cheeseder Camembert Käse
the chivesder Schnittlauch
the margarinedie Margarine
the marmaladedie Marmelade
the raspberry marmaladedie Himbeermarmelade
the sandwichdas Sandwich
the sandwich for class breakdas Pausenbrot
the strawberry marmaladedie Erdbeermarmelade
the swiss cheeseder Schweizer Käse
the tofuder Tofu
what is it?Was ist?/Was gibt's?
what's going on?Was ist denn los?
your (formal, plural)Ihr
your (formal, singular)Ihr
your (informal, plural)euer