Enjoy your meal! | Guten Appetit |
May I help you? | Bitte schön |
delicious | lecker |
favorite | Lieblings |
outside | draußen |
rather | lieber |
the apple juice | der Apfelsaft |
the coffee | der Kaffee |
the cola | die Cola |
the glass | das Glas |
the hot chocolate | der Kakao |
the ice cream | das Eis |
the iced tea | der Eistee |
the island | die Insel |
the letter | der Brief |
the strawberry milkshake | der Erdbeershake |
the thirst | der Durst |
the treat | der Leckerbissen |
the waiter | der Kellner |
to bring | bringen |
to cost | kosten |
to send an e-mail | eine E-mail schicken |