How are you? (informal)¿Cómo estás?
What do you do on Saturdays?¿Qué haces los sábados?
What do you do on the weekends?¿Qué haces los fines de semana?
When do you do it?¿Cuándo lo haces?
birthdayel cumpleaños
during the (work) weekentre semana
free timeel tiempo libre
on Mondayel lunes
on Mondayslos lunes
on Saturdayel sábado
on Saturdayslos sábados
on Sundayel domingo
on Sundayslos domingos
to attend a concertasistir a un concierto
to attend a rap concertasistir a un concierto de música rap
to be angryestar enojado
to be boredestar aburrido
to be busyestar ocupado
to be coldtener frío
to be excitedestar emocionado
to be great; superestar genial
to be happyestar alegre
to be hottener calor
to be hungrytener hambre
to be interestedestar interesado
to be nervousestar nervioso
to be sadestar triste
to be thirstytener sed
to be tiredestar cansado
to be worriedestar preocupado
to climb mountainsescalar montañas
to go for a walk in the parkdar un paseo en el parque
to go shopping at the mallir de compras en el centro comercial
to go to (to attend) Carnivalasistir al Carnaval
to go to a paradeir a un desfile
to go to a partyir a una fiesta
to go to the beachir a la playa
to go to the moviesir al cine
to go to the museumir al museo
to go to the parkir al parque
to go to the poolir a la piscina
to go to the shopping center, mallir al centro comercial
to make maskshacer máscaras
to play (a game, a sport)jugar
to play (music)tocar
to play balljugar a la pelota
to play baseballjugar al béisbol
to play chessjugar al ajedrez
to play dominoesjugar al dominó
to play in a band (music)tocar en una banda
to ride a bikeandar en bicicleta
to ride a skateboardandar en patineta
to see, to watchver
to sleepdormir
to take (to sleep) a napdormir una siesta
to tantomar el sol
to watch sportsver los programas deportivos
to water skihacer esquí acuático
weekendel fin de semana