As a young personde joven
I look parezco a
alarm clockel despertador
brother in lawel cuñado
cloudla nube
dancerel bailarín/la bailarina
daughter in lawnuera
decorationel adorno
family treeel árbol genealógico
father in lawsuegro
hide-and-seekal escondite
hopscotchla rayuela
housea las casitas
memberel socio/la socia
mother in lawsuegra
naugthy, mischievoustravieso
only childhijo único/hija única
playgroundel patio de recreo
recessel recreo
resemblanceel parecido
sister in lawla cuñada
social medialos medios sociales
son in lawyerno
stepfatherel padrastro
stepmotherla madrastra
storyla historia
tagal gato
teamel equipo
there was/there werehabía
to achievelograr
to argue/to discussdiscutir
to becomehacerse
to climb treessubirse a los árboles
to fightpelear
to fly a kitevolar papalote/volar cometas
to get alongllevarse bien
to get boredaburrirse
to get marriedcasarse
to give permissiondar permiso
to improvemejorar
to jump ropesaltar a la cuerda
to look likeparecerse
to meet each otherconocerse
to move residencemudarse
to obtaine-to getconseguir/obtener
to permit/to allow/to leavedejar
to rentalquilar
to ride the seesawmontar en el subibaja/cachumbambé
to save moneyahorrar dinero
to smokefumar
to tell/to countcontar
to watch cartoonsver dibujos animados/ver muñequitos
to whom do you look like?A quién te pareces?
wanted toquería + infinitivo
was, were going to (do something)iba a + infinitivo
was/were planning topensaba + infinitivo
who does he/she looks like?¿A quién se parece?
with dollscon muñecas
writerel escritor/la escritora
youthla juventud