I prefer to drink waterprefiero beber agua
i prefer to eat french fries for lunchprefiero comer las papas fritas para el almuerzo
i prefer to have french fries for lunchprefiero almorzar las papas fritas
i want to eat steak for dinnerquiero comer el bistec para la cena
i want to eat toast for breakfastquiero comer las tostadas para el desayuno
i want to have beef tacos for dinnerquiero cenar los tacos de carne asada
i want to have toast for breakfastquiero desayunar las tostadas
my favorite dessert is sweetmi postre favorito es dulce
my favorite fruit is greenmi fruta favorita es verde
my favorite fruit is redmi fruta favorita es roja
my favorite fruit is the bananami fruta favorita es el plátano
my favorite fruit is the pineapplemi fruta favorita es la piña
my favorite fruit is the strawberrymi fruta favorita es la fresa
my favorite fruit is the watermelonmi fruta favorita es la sandía
my favorite fruit is yellowmi fruta favorita es amarilla
what color is your favorite fruitde qué color es tu fruta favorita
what do you prefer to drinkqué prefieres beber
what do you prefer to eat for lunchqué prefieres comer para el almuerzo
what do you want to eat for breakfastqué quieres comer para el desayuno
what do you want to eat for dinnerqué quieres comer para la cena
what is your favorite dessert likecómo es tu postre favorito
what is your favorite fruitcuál es tu fruta favorita