Do you (tú) love me?me quieres/me amas
He opens the door for herle abre la puerta
He tells the truth (la verdad) to themles dice la verdad
I ask for him (careful!!!)lo pido
I bring books for herle traigo libros
I bring it (book)lo traigo
I buy cookies for himle compro galletas
I cook the codfish for himle cocino el bacalao
I cook the codfish for youte cocino el bacalao
I give her the book (I give the book to her)le doy el libro
I have them (books)los tengo
I know herla conozco
I love you (tú)te quiero/te amo
I need it (homework)la necesito
I see youTe veo
She writes letters for meme escribe cartas
They buy them (books)los compran
They give homework to usnos dan tarea
We bring them (cookies)las traemos
We buy the codfish for themles compramos el bacalao
We give a gift to herle damos un regalo
We give money to himle damos dinero
We know himlo conocemos
We read the book to herle leemos el libro
We see himLo vemos
he sees meme ve
she sees usnos ve