Buen Viaje 3 (Chapter 2-1)

Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. balcony 1. balcón
2. beautiful 2. bello
3. colonial 3. colonial
4. cord, rope 4. cuerda
5. corn 5. choclo/maíz
6. floor, apartment 6. piso
7. gold 7. oro
8. hot 8. caluroso
9. indigenous person 9. indígena
10. knot 10. nudo
11. period of time 11. época
12. person of Spanish decent born in America 12. criolo
13. potato 13. papa
14. precipitation 14. precipitación
15. rainy 15. lluvioso
16. raw material 16. materia prima
17. scarce 17. escaso
18. silver 18. plata
19. snow-covered 19. nevado
20. sour 20. agrio
21. system of cords and knots 21. quipu
22. to be accustomed to 22. soler
23. to be situated 23. situarse
24. to count 24. contar
25. to cultivate, to grow 25. cultivar
26. to subjugate 26. subyugar
27. to support 27. apoyar
28. to weave 28. tejer
29. town square 29. plaza
30. weave 30. tejido
31. weaver 31. tejedor
32. well-off, rich 32. acomodado
33. wood 33. madera