
Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. the blouse 1. a blusa
2. the clothing 2. a roupa
3. the dress 3. o vestido
4. the jeans 4. a calça jeans
5. the overalls 5. o macacão
6. the pants 6. a calça
7. the pullover sweater 7. o pulôver
8. the shirt 8. a camisa
9. the shorts 9. os shorts/os shorts
10. the skirt 10. a saia
11. the socks 11. as meias
12. the sports coat 12. o casaco esportivo
13. the suit 13. o terno
14. the sweatpants 14. o sweatpants
15. the sweatshirt 15. o moletom
16. the T-shirt 16. a camisa
17. the tanktop 17. a camisa sem manga
18. the tuxedo 18. o smoking
19. the uniform 19. o uniforme
20. the vest 20. o colete