Spanish I - DOP and IOP

Conjuguemos Vocabulary List

Prompt Answer
1. Do you (tú) love me? 1. me quieres/me amas
2. He opens the door for her 2. le abre la puerta
3. he sees me 3. me ve
4. He tells the truth (la verdad) to them 4. les dice la verdad
5. I ask for him (careful!!!) 5. lo pido
6. I bring books for her 6. le traigo libros
7. I bring it (book) 7. lo traigo
8. I buy cookies for him 8. le compro galletas
9. I cook the codfish for him 9. le cocino el bacalao
10. I cook the codfish for you 10. te cocino el bacalao
11. I give her the book (I give the book to her) 11. le doy el libro
12. I have them (books) 12. los tengo
13. I know her 13. la conozco
14. I love you (tú) 14. te quiero/te amo
15. I need it (homework) 15. la necesito
16. I see you 16. Te veo
17. she sees us 17. nos ve
18. She writes letters for me 18. me escribe cartas
19. They buy them (books) 19. los compran
20. They give homework to us 20. nos dan tarea
21. We bring them (cookies) 21. las traemos
22. We buy the codfish for them 22. les compramos el bacalao
23. We give a gift to her 23. le damos un regalo
24. We give money to him 24. le damos dinero
25. We know him 25. lo conocemos
26. We read the book to her 26. le leemos el libro
27. We see him 27. Lo vemos